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CarbonLnk business for easy energy management and carbon emissions reporting

All in one Carbon free solution

Transform your energy use - today's solutions for a Carbon Free Future

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Quick wins

Identify energy-efficient opportunities: save between 5% to 30% on your Energy costs

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Remote control

Connecting you with smart control devices – taking control to the next level.



Find the best energy deals and make wise investments 

AI Powered Energy Data Analytics Solution

Our state-of-the-art analytics software is designed to provide unmatched insights into how businesses are using energy. By analyzing data in real-time, we help businesses identify areas for improvement, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. Based on our energy audits, we provide a comprehensive report with prioritized energy investment recommendations. With CarbonLnk by your side, you can reduce your carbon footprint, save money on energy costs, and take advantage of a more sustainable future.

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Optimizing Energy management with CarbonLnk

CarbonLnk provides a comprehensive energy data analytics platform to help businesses prioritize energy investments and achieve maximum yield. Our AI-powered solution is designed to provide you with actionable insights and accurate recommendations to make informed decisions.

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all the data you need in one place

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Carbon Lnk, the smarter data insights platform.

Our standards comply with these accreditations 
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